Private Email Terms of Service

This highly structured kinney host Email Terms of Service agreement can be analyzed with time and requirement of the users. It is reviewed for setting forth the rules, terms and conditions of your use of the kinney host Email which is powered by Open-Xchange services provided by kinney host. According to this agreement, you can refer a person, agent, employee or servant for using our services officially on your behalf. In order to give authorization to any referred individual, it is essential for you to acknowledge and follow our rules, terms and conditions. In fact, you also need to follow any new and different rules, conditions and policies added by us. Our terms and conditions are not limited to the Hosting Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy posed in the legal section of our website. Any new and additional rules will be incorporated by us into the Agreement. The continued use of Services constitutes the agreement to all these terms, conditions or notices.

General Use Statements

1. Account Start-Up

You ‘must’ understand that the services offered by us are required to be linked to an operational domain name. Buying and using our services means you belong to the associated domain name and you have the right to access your domain name.

If you want to purchase and subscribe for services for a domain name which is not istered with kinney host, then you have to prove yourself to be the owner ofthe domain name within 120 hours. The product purchased by us can be cancelled with an automatic refund to your kinney host account balance, if you fail to confirm yourself to be the owner of the domain within given time. If you submit a timely request to the department of Hosting – kinney host Email Support, you may provide you services which are required for account start-up.

2. Usage Limitations and Account Provisions

We can the right to introduce or to put some limitations towards the use of our services to the users including the email incoming and outgoing restrictions. You need to be aware of the minimum and maximum size of a file attachment or email message that may be sent or received from your account. It is also essential for the users to keep in mind the maximum disk space that is allotted to the users on kinney host servers. We will not be liable for failure of storing any messages that is received or transmitted by the users. kinney host possess right to change practices and limits at any time according to the ‘Modification Terms’ section of this Agreement. Each and every email account of yours has some limitations in its allocated resources catering to the subscription plan. The number of outgoing emails is limited to 500 per hour in accordance to the time of your services. If your account confidence is confirmed, we can decrease the limit of your outgoing emails. You further acknowledge kinney host retains any right to change the general including however not at all limited practices or limits any time with accordance to ‘Modification Terms’ segment of the Agreement below.

3. Storage and Security

We ensure to provide complete safety and security to your account balance and password. Without your any identification proof and without seeking your permission and signature on legal papers, we will never change or modify passwords to any account user. In case of any legal problems or partnerships break-up, kinney host will remain neutral by putting your account on hold until and unless the issue has been solved. We will not be legally responsible for any losses acquired by you during your time of ownership under any circumstances. kinney host will not be responsible for any harmful claims arising from your ownership disputes.

You should defend and indemnify kinney host for any harmful losses and damage caused to your email account as well as all of your content. You need to be responsible enough for maintaining confidentiality of your password and account information. In fact, you will be solely responsible for any acts, omissions and charges incurred with your account balance and password, which is stored or transmitted on our server. It is your duty to take measures for preventing any loss or damage caused to your content. You should be careful for ensuring security, integrity as well as confidentiality of your email account and password which is transmitted and stored on kinney host servers of email content transmitted by and stored on the kinney host servers; as well as make sure confidentiality of the password. kinney host will not have any kind of liability to you and other person for the use of the kinney host products or services in the violation of the terms.

4. Content

It is essential for the users to keep in mind that all the necessary data, information, photographs, text, sound, music, software, tags, video messages, email messages and content which are posted publicly or privately. You will be solely responsible for uploading any of these data, messages and content on our server.

We have no control over the uploaded content and messages which are transmitted through the services. You need to agree that kinney host will not be responsible for the quality, accuracy and integrity of the content. Under any circumstances, we will not be legally responsible for any offensive or indecent content which is uploaded by the user. If any uploaded content result in loss and damage of any kind, you will be solely responsible for it. The errors or omissions in any content need to be solved by the user, because of use of any kind of content uploaded, transmitted, emailed, or made accessible through these Services. kinney host has got no obligation for monitoring content transmitted through these Services.

5. Backups

With us, you can be sure of getting quality services. The services offered by kinney host servers are backed up in every week. Backups are usually made for internal purposes as well as for server restoration. It is always advisable to keep a copy of your account content and information beforehand. kinney host will surely recover the data without charging any hidden costs, if the cause of losing your data is due to an error of kinney host. If you fail to ensure security to your account balance which result in loss of information, we will definitely help you to recover the data from the archive with a fee of $15.00. It is your duty to maintain the local copies of the account content & information. Suppose loss of the data occurs because of the error of the kinney host, We may try to recover data for not any charge.

User Obligations and Preventative Measures

You imply that you will follow accepted rules of “Netiquette” by using our services. In fact, by signing this agreement, you ensure us of performing contractual obligations deriving from this Agreement. Necessary rather preventive actions will be taken by us in accordance to any of the activities which are elaborated in this kinney host Email Terms of Service agreement. In addition to this, many other actions that contradict the spirit of this NE TOS will also be described in this agreement.

1. Prohibited Activities

The services offered by kinney host should not be misused by the users: The necessary rules which you need to follow are:

  • You must follow the rules, regulations, laws and ordinances of any applicable state, local or Federal government.
  • One should not allow any unauthorized users to use and access kinney host website and servers on your behalf.
  • The users should defend kinney host from any service attacks and harmful losses and damages caused to the servers.
  • Unacceptable material like High-Yield Interest Programs (HYIP), IRC bots, Escrow, warez and filedump should not be uploaded or transmitted by the users via the services without getting permission from Bank Debentures, Spam Scripts, Brute Force Programs and Mail Bombers and sale of any of the controlled substances without even providing any proof of the appropriate permits beforehand,.

ß You should not engage in actions that can cause harm to kinney host or any other customers. Any harmful activities carried by the user may result in blacklisting any of Our IPs by the any online spam database and DDOS attacks for any servers. We can refuse to provide services to our customers at any time if the user is found to be involved in any harmful activities. Any obscene or threatening material is prohibited in kinney host judgement. We can remove any of these materials from our servers without giving the user any alert notification. This may also result in termination of an account with no refund. While using our services and signing this agreement, you need to obey the rules, terms and conditions which are included in this agreement. In case, a person is found to violate our rules and Terms of Service or Acceptable Use Policy, the account of that particular individual will be cancelled immediately. We will not be legally responsible for damage caused to any third party. If an account has been locked by us for any abuse reason for more than 14 days, then we have the right to terminate that account. So, it is essential to take necessary actions beforehand for preventing your account from being terminated. In fact, the backup copies of the terminated email account will also be deleted by us with no refund. Under such circumstances, we will not be liable for any damage or loss caused to your account balance, arising from measures against the actions causing any kind of harm to the kinney host and other third party. Also, we have right to terminate any of the account that is locked for the abuse reason for over 14 calendar days just after a lock date, till you have taken the corrective measures in order to remove an initial lock threat and violation. Any kind of backup copies of email account can be deleted permanently on termination without any refund. kinney host cannot be responsible for any kind of loss and damages in these cases. Any material in the kinney host judgment is obscene or threatening strictly is prohibited and can get removed from the kinney host servers right away with and without any prior notice or might lead to the possible warning, immediate account termination or suspension without any kind of refund.

  • According to this agreement, one should not violate the Ryan

Haight Online Pharmacy Consumer Protection Act of 2008 or any other legislation similar to this act.

  • It is always advisable to test the vulnerability of any system or network beforehand.
  • You are not allowed to break any rules associated with the safety and security of your account and password.
  • A user can upload data, video, messages and content as per their requirement on our server privately without any kind of hindrances.
  • With us, you can have the liberty to use access and search services of any kind and by any means. It is only limited to publicly supported interfaces.
  • You are not allowed to publish or upload any fake content, data and messages.
  • The users can not advertise or promote products and services except their own without seeking proper authorization.
  • According to this agreement, you are not allowed to share and publish any indecent and pornographic materials on our servers.
  • We can cancel your account with immediate actions, if you violate our rules and laws in any way or other.

Kinney host doesn’t interfere or monitor the content associated with the services. But you have to acknowledge that we have the liberty rather right to delete and refuse any indecent content that is transmitted via the services. If kinney host found any account holder violating the laws, rules, terms and conditions that is included in this agreement, then we can terminate the account with no refund.

2. Anti-Spam Policy

Obeying the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 is a ‘must’ for each and every users of kinney host. In fact, it is also essential for you to obey all useful regulations and rules which are described in this agreement. With us, you are prohibited from sending a large number of unsolicited email messages. The email messages will be considered as unsolicited if the recipients have not Confirmed Opt-In or Closed-Loop Opt-In in to mailings from you. kinney host keep a record of the email message which are received and send by the user. If you fail to provide authentic proof of such opt-ins and consents, kinney host with consider the mass mailing to be unsolicited. These are the following activities which are strictly restricted by kinney host:

  • You are not allowed to make usage of the kinney host systems and network in order to send and receive replies to unsolicited mass e-mail messages.
  • Kinney host consider transmission of unsolicited mass e-mail messages to be spamming.
  • We will not be responsible for any fake signature or identifying code of any person other than their customers engaged in any other activity.
  • Your account can be terminated by us if mail bombing is done by you by using any third party proxy and by installing proxy mailing software in a device.
  • The users should appropriately configure mail servers in order to accept and process third party emails for sending with no user authentication or identification.
  • You are restricted for using weblog posts, guestbook entries, HTTP referrer log entries, IRC/chat room messages and even text messages for sending, receiving and even posting unsolicited a large number of email messages.

If you are found in misusing the services offered by kinney host in order to send SPAM e-mail messages, then we have the right and authority to terminate your account with a charge of $500 upon your account. In fact, you can be asked to compensate us for sudden increase in administration expenses and costs of redressing SPAM-related activity. If you are intentionally involved in any SPAM activity, we have full discretion to terminate your account. In fact, involving in SPAM activity recklessly may result in sharing important information regarding the activities carried out by the user. All SPAM issues are taken very seriously by us and necessary actions are taken in accordance to the problem. Payment Terms

1. Payment Cycle

The date of purchasing the services and the payment recycle plan offered by kinney host will be your billing date. While signing up, if you select the automatic renewal option, then your services will be automatically renewed by us by taking payment catering to the designed payment method at current kinney host rates.

2. Renewal Terms

With kinney host, you can avail quality services at really affordable prices. After selecting the automatic renewal option while signing up, kinney host will renew your services 30 days prior to the date of renewal. Overdue balance ultimately results in locking your email account and limitations in accessing to our services. kinney host’s automated processing system makes the task of renewing your subscription easy and convenient. You will get an alert notification from us before the expiration of the services. kinney host will not be responsible for any invalid email address or failure of the user to receive the services expiration notification. It is the sole responsibility of the user to renew the services beforehand, if given the email address is very erroneous and out of date, suppose You fail in getting any kind of services expiration notification. Also, you will assume sole responsibility to renew the services. Suppose automatic renewal feature can be enabled for the subscription, and kinney host can try and renew the Services 30days before renewal date as well as can take the payment in accordance to designated payment method then at current Name cheap rates.

3. Failed Renewal Fees and Service Restoration

Kinney host possess the right to terminate your services by deleting your account content automatically, if you fail to pay the due renewal fees within 30 days of the billing date of your service. In order to avail the services offered by kinney host, you need to pay the outstanding balance in full. You need to pay $15.00 for restoring your account that has passed redemption periods. kinney host ensures you of restoring your account data and details that will reflect the latest changes as the backup provision and restoration are governed by section ‘Backups’ of this Agreement.

We charge $15.00 for accounts which are closed for all inquiries regarding previous support and services. It is your duty to pay all governmental charges, taxes and fees associated with these services. Cancellation and Refund Terms

1. Termination Policy

If you opt for automatic renewal, while signing up after the initial term of your agreement, your services will be renewed by us automatically as the initial term until and unless it has been cancelled or terminated by either of the two parties. You can have the liberty of terminating this agreement by submitting a cancellation request through the Help-desk support system at least before 3 working days before the renewal of your service. kinney host can cancel this agreement at any time under any hazardous circumstances without no refund and any prior notice. In this case, kinney host may take control of any domain name associated with the terminated Services. But the domain name should be registered via kinney host domain name registration.

The user will have to bear all costs and expenses including the reasonable costs which are incurred by kinney host for closing your account in the event of termination of this agreement. All relevant information related to you on the services will be deleted by kinney host in case of termination. In an event of the termination and suspension of the Services under above circumstances, You can agree that not any prepaid fees are refunded to You; or that kinney host might take complete control of any kind of domain name linked with terminated Services, given such type of domain name was been registered through the kinney host domain registration.

2. Refund Policy

Free trail periods are granted to the subscribers in accordance to your subscriber plan specification.

Modification Terms

Kinney host possess right to modify and discontinue the services offered by us with time and requirement. You agree to follow the rules and changes which are changes, modified and added by us by purchasing our services. Suppose you have purchased the Services from the kinney host, then terms & conditions of the Agreement will continue in the full force or effect providing You take complete benefit of & use Services. By continuing using Services after revision to the Agreement and change in the services, You also agree to abide on and get bound by such revisions and changes. You also agree that the kinney host will not be liable on You and to third party on any kind of modification, suspension and discontinuance of Services.

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